
Wheeldle game is a variation of Wordle where you must guess the 5-letter word within 6 tries. In this game, you can guess as many words as you want. It's the infinite version of Wordle.

How to play Wheeldle game

The game rules remain the same as in the Wordle game. You must guess the 5 letter words in 6 tries or less. After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to indicate if the letters are in the word or in the right place or not.

If it's green, it means that the letter is in the word and in the right place.

If it's yellow, the letter is in the target word but in the wrong place.

If it's black, it means that the letter is not in the word at all.

The special part of the game is that the difficulty level will gradually increase with your successful guesses. There is also a streak counter for the number of your consecutive right guesses.

Wheeldle game is a great alternative to Wordle if you want to conquer more than one word in a day.

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wheeldle wordlewheeldle gamewheeldle unlimited

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