
Every day, try to solve two Code Words puzzles. Crossword puzzles and code words both need clues. Instead, a number has been used to represent each letter of the alphabet across the whole puzzle, with the same number standing in for each letter of the alphabet.
All you have to do is choose which number corresponds to whatever letter. Before the game starts, a few letters will be displayed to get you started. Click a cell, enter the letter there, or click it to insert it there in order to add a letter and break the code.
You'll have enough hints from the letters that are scattered across the puzzle to begin inferring words and finding additional letters. You may monitor your progress by using a timer, if you'd like. Alternately, you may use the links below to print off the problem and solve it the old-fashioned way with a pencil and paper.

How to play

After you click a cell, type the letter you believe belongs there. The letter will automatically fill up all adjacent cells with the same number. Simply type another letter in the cell, or press the Space or Delete key, to correct your error.
The letter that belongs in the cell that is presently highlighted will be filled in when you click the "Hint" button.
There is one new problem accessible every day, but there is also an archive of the previous two weeks' riddles.


How to play



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