Tennis Wordle
Tennis Wordle is a Wordle variant in which you have to guess a five-letter word related to tennis within 6 tries.
How to play Tennis Wordle
The game has the same game rules as Wordle. However, the word that you need to guess must be about Tennis. The goal of the game is to find a 5-letter word about Tennis.
To play, just type a valid word and hit Enter. Then you will get the color hint to find out if the letter you entered is in the word and in the right spot or not
Gray: The letter is in the word and in the correct spot.
Yellow: The letter is in the word but in the wrong spot.
Gray: The letter is not in the word.
The game comes with a Hint feature. To get a hint, just press the HINT button. It will reveal the type of word of the day you need to guess. For example, it can be tennis term, player or coach, or venue or sponsor.
There is one puzzle per day.