
Griddle game is a word puzzle game where you have to arrange the titles in the grid to form connected words.

How to play Griddle

To play this game, you have to drag and drop a title to the right location. The number of moves is not limited as you can move titles as much as you want.

The SUBMIT button will show up as your letters are mostly used. Just tap on it if you want to lock your words.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that the worth points of each letter are demonstrated on the grid.

The blue titles are worth more than normal titles.

The red titles multiply the points of all letters used in the same word.

Red and blue squared on the grid multiply the points of letters or words crossing those squares. This time the bonuses stack.

Play Griddle Wordle game now and see how much score you can get. A new board is available every day and waiting for you to solve. Good luck and have fun!

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