
DeWordle is a reverse engineering utility for Wordle game diagrams. (Other purposes will be discussed subsequently.) Use DeWordle as a game! Create patterns, touch them using the squares with dots, and count the number of rows required to leave only one word. However, you may also input a set of patterns that do not correspond to any of the answers. Alternately, see how many of the 242 possible patterns you can add without arriving at a solution.

How does DeWordle work?

The secret of DeWordle is that not all color block patterns are applicable in all games. For instance, it is impossible to determine if the answer is ALIEN because there are no words that fit that pattern if ALIEN is the word of the day.

However, there are 1933 other possible answers in the game. For instance, if the word of the day is ACTOR, predicting CHAIR will yield the correct answer.

DeWordle is able to determine the correct answer by narrowing the list of potential answers to only those that can generate every pattern inputted in the table. This is because the possible estimate patterns for each answer differ by just the right amount. Which response should be the correct one?

Adding the left pattern to the right pattern in the preceding portion reduces the number of potential answers more than either sample alone. Some of the 237 answers on the right do not appear in the 1,641 answers on the left. However, today's answer must be both!

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